Monday, July 6, 2009

Missions Statement

Final Missions Statement

Walking to my car, the sun and heat of a Florida Summer day hits my face. What separates this walk from the one I took some two hours ago is the sense of empowerment felt in every step. I’m walking like people should know who I am. Why am I walking like this when a few hours ago I did not? I just got done watching a great film. A great film can change the way you walk and view the objects around you if only for a few minutes. These works of art build upon themselves as you watch them until you find yourself completely engulfed.

Everyone has there favorite films along with one hundred and one reason why, but which one really is the best? What even constitutes for a great film, let alone the greatest, is it the soundtrack or ensemble cast? Does a great film have to be in a foreign language or does it speak in a dialect we can all understand? For my mission statement I will pick a list of the top ten films according to a collection of different sites such as AFI. Once the list has been created I will watch these films and write why I felt the film should or should not have been on the list and where I would have placed it. Judging of the films will be based on certain aspects of the film such as the tone or mood along with character development, costumes and setting. I want to play devils advocate with these films and in doing so hopefully find the list of the top ten films.

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