Sunday, July 12, 2009


When a sequel to a film is made the common assumption is that it will not be as good as the original. Even when sequels have the same cast and directors as the original they more often than not don’t change the mistakes made in the previous film. After a film is made, both die hard fans and critics of all kind come out of the wood-works to do exactly what I am; review the film. For some reason though the powers at be do nothing to heed the complaints given by people about the first film and therefore are destine to remake them in the sequel.

Transformers 2 is a great example of a bad sequel. The review I read on made sure to separate itself into two sections, good and bad. I liked that he did that because when you watch this film that is exactly what happens. There are good parts and awful parts. When I talked about reviewing films I wanted to not only say that they are good or bad, but whether or not they exploit stereotypes that further hatred and misunderstanding in our society. In the new Transformers 2 film there are two Autobots that are the definition of stereotype. "I absolutely must start with this one. THE TWINS! Oh dear heavens the Twins. These two new Autobots are the new Jar Jar Binks. They absolutely ruin this movie. They are the most offensive and racist stereotypes I’ve seen on the screen in a LONG time on top of being unfunny and as annoying as hell." These two characters are the most racist thing I have seen in a movie in a long time. They are obviously supposed to be black and were put in the film as an attempt to get more of a diverse demographic. That being said the film made sure that every scene they are in has them fighting for no good reason, using foul language, and wearing gold capped teeth and did I mention that they are the only Autobots to not know how to read. AWFUL!

Transformers 2 had much more action and comedy then the first film, which is good, but the only reason why is because the story and dialog lacked sustenance. The dialog in this film really is poor especially for being a big time summer blockbuster. There are also so many gaps in the story line that you can’t help but think about them while you watch the film. Overall I would agree with what the review had to say and to put them in my own words; I liked the film and thought it was well worth the money, but, and this is a big but, the first one was better.


Spoken X said...
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Spoken X said...

I would definitely agree that this movie was not so good. First, am I the only one who thought the film lacked the substance to require two and a half hours of screen time. It was entirely too long! Secondly, the only thing that was really funny to me were the scenes of the boy's mother. She was a hoot! As far as the stereotypes, I thought they were tasteless, but I feel the writers made stereotypes of several cultures and poked fun at the obvious. Some were outraged by them, I simply think it was bad writing.

Insignificant Wrangler said...

I really liked the first movie--but I think that was mostly nostalgia (hey, they even had the voice of the original Optimus Prime). I haven't seen this one yet, but I must admit the general tone of the reviews make me less and less likely to see it. Its quickly becoming a "wait for Netflix" release.

Mr. Entertainment said...

I fully agree with this post. The fact that the twins characters seemed to be of a different race than the other transformers was truely ridiculous. Their poorly timed toilet humor only added to the plethora of bad jokes that are evident throughout the entire film. Somehow between the first and second film the transformers seemed to be less alien and more human.

Anonymous said...

I have not seen the film yet but was looking forward to it. After reading this and overhearing how everyone in class agrees with your review, I think I'll wait til it comes out on dvd. The first Transformers I thought was really good, and this is quite disappointing. I am really suprised to hear about the sterotyping of the twin autobots and how they couldn't read and had gold teeth even. Thats pretty over the top. What about the action and comedy makes the film still worth going out and seeing?

Lekter said...

I have to agree with you. Sequels nowadays are simply a joke. The only sequel that I liked was the Bourne Supremacy trilogy. I wasn't surprised the movie was bad. The first one was terrible and so I expected the second one to be even worst. I'm not looking forward to the third one.

Volcom2488 said...

To be completely honest, the sad sad truth is I have yet to see Transformers 2. However it used to be on my mental list of things to do, but now that I have reviewed your blog and everyone's comments I must say that I am disappointed and may wait until it is released to DVD. I love action movies and would have to agree that I was in love with the first transformers. I really hope these stereotypes are less prevalent then your critique because I had high hopes for transformers three and would be devastated to see that tragedy.

NightRider said...

Even though I am very disappointed to hear everyone say this movie is not so good, I still want to watch it since I love action movies. I loved the first one when it came out, but I based from what I have heard and read, this new one does not have too much logical development, only nice battles and lots of action. I think I will wait until it comes out on DVD and rent it from blockbuster.

Jane said...

Since all of the previous comments are against this movie and agreeing with you, let's shake things up a bit. I loved this movie! I went to see it in Imax at midnight when it came out. It was definitely worth it. Sure, there are some stereotypical assaults but honestly, what movie doesn't have something like that? Regardless of that fact, I don't understand why everyone believes there is no plot to this movie. It was quite interesting to me. Blame it on my lack of movie knowledge or the fact that I just love Transformers, but I just cannot agree with you.